1. If the hot fluid is inside the tube while the cold fluid is outside, how do the two fluid transfer heat through the wall? It includes the following three processes: (1) Heat is transferred to...
1. What is the test pressure? The test pressure is the pressure at the top of the tube pass and shell pass during the pressure test. 2. What is the design temperature? Design temperature refers to the...
1. What is the tube pass and shell pass of the heat exchanger ? The tube pass is the part of the heat transfer tube channel through which medium flows and passes that connects one another. The shell pass...
1. What is the nominal diameter of heat exchangers? The heat exchanger of the coiled cylinder takes the inner diameter of the cylinder as the nominal diameter (DN), and the heat exchanger of the steel...
1. What is a heat exchanger? A heat exchanger is a device that transfers heat from a hotter fluid to another cooler fluid. 2. What is the heat transfer area of the heat exchanger? Heat transfer area...
1. What are the main structural types of pressure vessels? The structural forms of pressure vessels mainly include spherical vessels, cylindrical vessels, box-shaped vessels, and conical vessels. 2. What...
1. According to the wall thickness of the container: There are thin-walled containers (the wall thickness is not greater than 1/10 of the inner diameter of the container) and thick-walled containers....
In order to facilitate safety technology management and supervision and inspection, according to the pressure level of the container, the degree of harm of the medium, and the main role in the production...
According to the principle of action in the production process, pressure vessels are divided into reaction pressure vessels, heat exchange pressure vessels, separation pressure vessels, and storage pressure...