Eight Questions about Heat Exchanger

Eight Questions about Heat Exchanger

1. What is the test pressure?
The test pressure is the pressure at the top of the tube pass and shell pass during the pressure test.

2. What is the design temperature?
Design temperature refers to the set temperature of the elementmetal (average 
temperature along the cross-section of the element metal) when the heat exchanger is in normal operation, The design temperature is the design load condition together with the design pressure.
3. How does the heat exchanger heat up?
For the most common wall heat exchanger, the methods of heat transfer are mainly conduction and convection. The heat fluid conveys the heat to the side of the tube wall by convection heat, then conveys the flow from the pipe wall side to the other side. In the end, the flow is passed to the cold fluid by heat convection from the other side of the pipe wall, thus completing the heat transfer process of the heat exchanger.

4. How does the medium flow rate affect the heat transfer effect?
The greater the flow rate of the medium in the heat exchanger is, the greater the heat transfer coefficient. Therefore, increasing the flow rate of the medium in the heat exchanger can greatly improve the heat transfer effect, but the negative effect of increasing the flow rate is to increase the pressure drop through the heat exchanger and increase the energy consumption of the pump, so there must be a certain range.
5. What are the heat transfer methods of the heat exchanger?
Heat exchangers have three conduction modes: heat conduction, heat convection and heat radiation.
6. What is stationary heat transfer? What are the characteristics?
In a heat transfer system (such as a heat exchanger), the heat transfer process in which the temperature distribution does not change with time is called stationary heat transfer, it is characterized by a constant heat transfer rate across the heat transfer surface.
7. What is the difference between stationary heat conduction on a cylindrical wall and that on a flat wall?
The difference between the heat conduction of cylindrical wall and that of flat wall is that the heat transfer area of cylindrical wall is not constant, but varies with the radius, and the temperature also varies with the radius.

8. What is thermal convection? What are the two categories of it? What is convection heat transfer?
Thermal convection refers to the transfer of heat caused by the relative displacement of particles in a fluid. There are two types of thermal convection: forced convection and natural convection. Convection heat transfer refers to the heat transfer process between the fluid and the solid wall, which is a combination of heat convection and heat conduction.

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