Storage of Petrochemical Products with Less Consumption and Pollution

Storage of Petrochemical Products with Less Consumption and Pollution


Compared with other industries, the degree of pollution in the petrochemical industry is often higher. In order to better realize the sustainable development of China's petrochemical industry, it is necessary to actively innovate in reducing consumption and preventing pollution. As we all know, hydrocarbon compounds are the main components in petrochemical products, especially liquid hydrocarbons whose volatility is very obvious, which leads to the pollution of petrochemical products during storage. When storing petrochemical products, if the sealing performance is not good, it is very easy to cause serious volatilization problems, which will not only have a certain negative impact on the quality of the products but also bring serious pollution problems. In recent years, with the deepening concept of energy conservation and emission reduction, more and more petrochemical enterprises began to explore ways to prevent pollution and reduce consumption, so as to better solve the problem of energy loss and the pollution of petrochemical products. From a practical point of view, the research on storage, consumption reduction and pollution prevention of petrochemical products not only has very positive theoretical significance but also has extremely obvious practical application value.
1. Consumption and pollution of petrochemical products

Judging from the present situation of the loss of petrochemical products in China, due to the influence of many factors such as natural ventilation, it is easy for petrochemical products to lose liquid during storage, which will lead to certain environmental pollution problems. Generally speaking, the storage tanks of petrochemical products are generally equipped with a certain number of small holes, which are opened on the premise of realizing the sealing of the tanks. In practice, there is often a certain height difference in the top hole of the storage tank, which makes the mixed gas in the tank leak out continuously along the gap, which is what we usually call the oil loss caused by natural ventilation. In addition, in the case of unsatisfactory sealing, many oil storage tanks often have the problem of gas leakage.
In addition to the influence of natural ventilation, the storage tank will also suffer from respiratory loss, which is mostly accompanied by high-intensity influence, among which small respiratory loss and large respiratory loss are the most common. In reality, oil storage tanks are often exposed to the environment of sunlight and external temperature changes, and sudden environmental changes can easily lead to the breathing loss of oil storage tanks. If the difference between night temperature and the daytime temperature is very large, the loss of oil and gas will also increase. Under such circumstances, if the oil in the oil storage tank itself can be saturated, it can reduce the volatilization of oil to a certain extent. Another factor that has an obvious influence on oil volatility is the air inside the storage tank. The more air inside the storage tank, the easier it is to cause the oil to volatilize, thus further increasing the oil loss. In addition to the above factors, the frequent movement of storage tanks will further increase the loss of oil tanks.
2. How to effectively prevent the loss and pollution of petrochemical products

In the previous discussion, we have preliminarily discussed the loss and pollution of petrochemical products, from which we can find that to reduce or eliminate the storage problem of petrochemical products, we need to make a concrete analysis based on the specific actual situation. Only by aiming at the existing problems, can we better solve the substantive obstacles of loss and pollution of chemical products. In view of the fact that there are many reasons for the loss and pollution of petrochemical products in practice, here we list three methods to break through the problems described above, namely, rational use of baffles, elimination of temperature difference, and rational selection of storage tanks.
2.1 Rational use of baffles
For a technical worker in the field of petrochemical products, it is effective to prevent the liquid in the storage tank from volatilizing by placing a proper baffle at the position of the breather valve of the storage tank, which can alleviate the potential problem of leakage of petrochemical products in the storage tank to a certain extent, and reduce the outflow of liquid, thus reducing the loss of related petrochemical products. In fact, in practical work, the reasonable application of the breather valve baffle can also change the airflow direction inside the storage tank, so that the mixed gas on the liquid level in the storage tank can fully avoid the impact of external airflow. Under such a premise, it is not difficult to find that if the breather valve baffle can be reasonably used in the existing storage, the strong gas convection in the storage tank can be eliminated, and the loss of petrochemical products can be reduced by reducing the evaporation of related liquids.
2.2 Eliminate temperature difference

Generally speaking, the more obvious the temperature difference is, the greater the loss of petrochemical products will be. From the current situation of pollution prevention and consumption reduction of petrochemical products in China, when most enterprises store petrochemical products, the temperature difference inside their storage appliances is relatively large. Essentially, the larger temperature difference is definitely not conducive to the storage of related petrochemical products, because the larger temperature difference will accelerate the volatilization of liquid and change the quality of related products. To solve this problem, some enterprises will reduce the temperature difference in storage tanks by painting paint and anticorrosive coating on the exterior of appliances, because painting paint can avoid the temperature change caused by sunlight to a certain extent. When analyzing a large number of practical cases, we can find that different colors of coatings have different functions of preventing sunlight, among which aluminum powder and white coatings have very obvious effects on reducing oil consumption. However, as far as brushing paint is concerned, it should be noted that it must be re-brushed at specific time intervals. Only by repeatedly brushing can the related containers be better prevented from being corroded.
2.3 Reasonable selection of storage tanks

The types of storage tanks will also affect the loss of petrochemical products to a certain extent. If the selection of relevant storage tanks is not rigorous enough, it will easily lead to the volatilization of the liquid in the storage tanks, thus polluting the surrounding environment. Generally speaking, compared with other types of storage tanks, floating roof tanks are easier to achieve the ideal effect of reducing product loss and preventing pollution. Based on the good effect of floating roof tanks in the storage of petrochemical products, more and more enterprises began to use them as the main carrier to store petrochemical products. Essentially, the structure of floating roof tanks is very simple, and floating roof tanks are all made of new alloys, which have an outstanding antirust property and good corrosion resistance, and are not easy to be corroded even after long-term exposure. Moreover, there is a professional air layer inside the floating roof tank, which has very good cooling and heat insulation effects, so that the influence of external temperature differences on petrochemical products stored in the tank can be fully reduced. It is worth mentioning that the selection of storage tank must consider whether its material has a certain chemical reaction with stored chemical products. Generally speaking, petrochemical products will no longer be of use-value if they undergo chemical reactions. For example, some petrochemical products have strong oxidizability, and if they come into contact with specific metals and other substances, they are prone to chemical reactions, which is obviously a loss of related products. When choosing specific storage materials, we must fully consider the chemical properties of storage materials and storage appliances.
3. Conclusion

Petroleum is the most important energy source in the world today, also known as liquid gold. Nowadays, people's life and social production are inseparable from petrochemical products, but the increase in the utilization of petrochemical products will inevitably lead to some environmental pollution problems. In the process of storage, petrochemical products often encounter the problem of loss, the main form of which is the volatilization of some liquid, and this loss is usually accompanied by environmental pollution. Therefore, when storing specific petrochemical products, we must fully consider the factors that affect the product loss, and look for ways to reduce the loss from these factors. Therefore, it is necessary for us to actively explore ways to reduce the loss of petrochemical products and reasonably prevent and control the environmental pollution caused by the loss of petrochemical products.


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