Activated carbon filters adsorb pollutants such as organic compounds, chlorine, solvents, and pesticides from liquids or gases. Over time, activated carbon gradually becomes saturated with adsorbed substances....
Storage tanks, as crucial components for industrial safety, require meticulous design and operation. The potential hazards associated with internal pressure and capacity necessitate effective control...
Визменения температуры в ответ на изменения рабочего давления. На это колебание температуры в основном влияют два ключевых фактора: экзотермические реакции на стороне дымовых газов поверхности нагрева...
Pressure vessels play a critical role in industrial operations, with their safety and reliability directly impacting production stability and the safety of personnel. However, stress corrosion...
Fermentation tanks are indispensable equipment in the biotechnological fermentation process. Their performance and longevity directly affect production efficiency and product quality. Therefore,...
Fermentation tanks are indispensable equipment in the biotechnological fermentation process. Their performance and longevity directly affect production efficiency and product quality. Therefore,...
Gas-liquid separators are vital equipment widely used in industries such as petroleum, chemical, and food, serving to separate gases and liquids to ensure the proper operation of systems. The installation...
In industrial production, medium and low-pressure air compressors are widespread, often employing two-stage compression with intercoolers to reduce energy consumption, ensure operational safety,...
В промышленных операциях проблема высоких температур повсеместна, что требует использования теплообменников, таких как ребристые трубки. heat exchangers. Производительность и качество этих теплообменников...